After writing down your dream, it is suggested to combine images/ideas of dreams with the creative product that you are recently working on. This helps stimulate your creative thinking.
hey your blog design is very nice, neat and fresh and with updated content, make people feel peace and I always like browsing your site.
Hmm, i don't know whether you experienced it or not but i don't know how to evaluate my dreams. Most of my dreams are like a logical world, that time, i'm just like inside other people's body, using his body to visit the place, experiencing certain events that happen on him, i can tell i inherited his feelings and certain knowledge and sometime it move on its own reflex . Besides that, the colour, the backgrounds of the dreams are always so real yet sometimes it is vivid. It is strange to find that each of the people around this world have their own consciousness as i chatted to them. It felt like they are alive. In some of the dreams, I was able to visit the library, game shop, i found that the content of the each books in library are well-written sentence in great knowledge,and video games are like fantasy well-design. It just like the real world. And one thing i noticed that is the time in the dream you spent is different on the outside world. Thus, i think the dream is way more surpass than our normal thinking thought.
I totally agree with you, Ms/Mr. Second Anonymous. Dream experiences are like separates but parallel dimensions which have deep connections with our waking life. If we have the key to understand our dreamworld, our waking world will be benefit a lot. Some people know the meaning of their own dreams easily, but some who don't. Some people say it all depends on some sort of energy frequency having the dreamer... Good luck, and happy dreaming! :D
hey your blog design is very nice, neat and fresh and with updated content, make people feel peace and I always like browsing your site.
- Thomas
Hmm, i don't know whether you experienced it or not but i don't know how to evaluate my dreams. Most of my dreams are like a logical world, that time, i'm just like inside other people's body, using his body to visit the place, experiencing certain events that happen on him, i can tell i inherited his feelings and certain knowledge and sometime it move on its own reflex . Besides that, the colour, the backgrounds of the dreams are always so real yet sometimes it is vivid. It is strange to find that each of the people around this world have their own consciousness as i chatted to them. It felt like they are alive. In some of the dreams, I was able to visit the library, game shop, i found that the content of the each books in library are well-written sentence in great knowledge,and video games are like fantasy well-design. It just like the real world. And one thing i noticed that is the time in the dream you spent is different on the outside world. Thus, i think the dream is way more surpass than our normal thinking thought.
Thank You, Thomas. :D
I totally agree with you, Ms/Mr. Second Anonymous. Dream experiences are like separates but parallel dimensions which have deep connections with our waking life. If we have the key to understand our dreamworld, our waking world will be benefit a lot. Some people know the meaning of their own dreams easily, but some who don't. Some people say it all depends on some sort of energy frequency having the dreamer...
Good luck, and happy dreaming! :D
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